Pre-Work Phase
August 2021 – May 2022
- The GTPE Next group developed several vital takeaways, one of which was to explore the creation of a new academic unit.
Phase 1: Analysis and Ideation
August 2022 – July 2023
- GTPE Next initiative becomes the Lifetime Learning initiative, including the organizational alignment of the Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U), the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), and Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE.)
- Eight-week engagement with external consultant Accenture.
- Georgia Tech working groups formed and began data collection and synthesis.
- Listening sessions and town halls were offered to C21U, CEISMC, and GTPE faculty and staff, as well as interested members of the greater campus community.
- Working groups submitted a detailed report to Georgia Tech leadership, including high-level recommendations shared with C21U, CEISMC, and GTPE.
- Phase I Working Group recommendations were socialized with the University System of Georgia (USG).
- July 13, 2023 - The Division of Lifetime Learning was officially launched, with Nelson Baker as interim dean.
Phase II: Detailed Planning
August - December 2023
- Design Team planning and activities began, including recruiting and selecting members.
- Town halls were hosted for the Division's faculty and staff.
- Searches began for the Lifetime Learning leadership team.
- The new College proposal was presented to stakeholders, including students and faculty governance.
Fall 2023 through Summer 2024
- Division of Lifetime Learning employees and the campus were invited to provide input on recommendations through expanded listening sessions.
- Design Teams developed recommendations on the new College's structure and operations, including its initial structure and basic operations.
- Institute and Lifetime Learning leadership reviewed and approved Design Teams recommendations.
- September 2023 - The final report was approved. It includes a comprehensive set of recommendations and decision points to prepare the Institute to move forward, using guidance from the University System of Georgia leadership, into the next phase of work, including detailed planning and implementation of the new college.
- April 14, 2024: The Georgia Tech Faculty voted to recommend to the president the creation of the College of Lifetime Learning.
Phase III: Launch
Fall 2024 through Fall 2025
- August 14, 2024 - The College of Lifetime Learning was accepted and approved into the minutes of the University System of Georgia’s Board of Regents meeting.
- September 5, 2024 - The president announces the new College during the Institute Address.
- New College launches.
- Implementation begins, including the search for the inaugural dean, integration of existing units' employees and other Georgia Tech faculty and staff and activities, academic program development, and additional faculty and staff hiring, as needed.
- Organizational structure, operations, academic programs, and governance continue evolving.
Phase IV: New Beginnings
Spring 2026
- First credit-bearing classes at the new College are likely to begin.